To use my skills to help make the world a better place, by working in a team environment and contribute to the success of others.

Bachelors in Digital Media - Cum Laude
Associates in Applied Arts - Honors Student

Web design, XHTML and older HTML tags, CSS, Java Script, XML, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Office, 3DS Max, Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas, audio restoration, Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 troubleshooting, Mac OS X, some Adobe Flash experience, Articulate, Linux terminal knowledge, advanced computer skills, basic programming, search engine optimization, Google Analytics, computer security, advanced understanding of audio, DVD authoring, script writing, can learn anything new on the computer.

Internet Specialist and Developer
    Created and maintained the website http://www.thealpinehouse.org
    Maintained computer system for Alpine House secretary

Internet Specialist and Developer
    Used various computer software to update the website for businesses within Pleasant Grove Utah
    Updated data base for businesses
    Worked directly with cities business manager to create web content

Internet Advisor, Technical Support and Developer
    Developed courses using Flash and Articulate
    Developed course content for training materials
    Edited videos and audio files
    Conducted search engine optimization
    Worked on my own e-commerce websites and helped others achieve their goals
    Presented live webinars
    Taught complex concepts over the phone to non-technical people
    Owned any maintained an e-commerce website http://www.prophetpaintings.com
    Developed video for website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMaPhAYlU2E
    Learned how to stay current with industry trends and standards
    Used advanced computer knowledge to troubleshoot computer problems

Software Specialist
    Learned XML coding
    Cleaned up code for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
    Tested software

Microsoft Word Technical Support
    Certified in Microsoft Word and Utilized “Microsoft Knowledge Base”
    Solved technical problems
    Employed excellent customer service skills

Awards and Volunteer Experience
Have project Assistant project manager for film produced for Community Action Service http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxGt3Isl9GQ&feature=geosearch
    Eagle Scout
    Served a Mission for the LDS Church, Maracaibo Venezuela and Orlando Florida
    Fluent in Spanish and Portuguese

Audio restoration, script writing, Christian history, and old school video gaming