Christian History for Latter-Day Saints

I am really interested in the early reformers and their impact on where we are today. People don't realize how much we owe to them. I would like to produce a series of short books to help people, especially Latter-day Saints, get to know these great men and the impact their sacrifices have on us today.


One of the men I admire most is Jim Henson. People all over the world have been influenced by his work. He wanted to make the world a more peaceful and better place and I believe he accomplished that through his ingenious form of entertainment: muppets. I would love to teach a college course on the muppets, how they are still a viable form of entertainment, and how they made the world a better place.

City Council Politics

I want to be able to make a difference for good in my community. I have strong feelings about the local education system, zoning and construction, transportation and other issues that the city council members deal with. I would like to be in a position to help the voices of the people be heard on these issues. I also feel I would make a great candidate as I understand the role technology can play on a local level.